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Showing posts with the label Basidiomycetes


The life cycle of a typical basidiomycete is schematically represented in  The haploid basidiospore or conidium (A) germinates to the n-mycelium (B, monokaryon, primary mycelium).  There are also asexual anamorphs in Basidiomycetes. According to Muller and Loeffler (1992), asexual anamorphs are supposed to occur almost just as frequently as in Ascomycetes : "they are named however only rarely with an own name, therefore hardly considered in the system of the Deuteromycetes and would be more frequent in the dikaryotic phase". A known example among the wood-decay Basidiomycetes is Heteroba-sidion annosum with its anamorph Spiniger rneineckellus.  In the laboratory, monokaryons are capable of indefinite growth if they are regularly subcultured on fresh medium. In nature, characteristically the dikaryon or secondary mycelium develops. Basidiomycetes do not form sexual organs for plasmogamy, but monokaryotic hyphae come into contact one with another and fuse by s...