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With respect to the temperature, Table 3.8 shows the cardinal points for some wood fungi. A comprehensive investigation was completed in 1933 grouping the species into low-temperature (optimum 24 °C and below), intermediate-temperature (optimum between 24 and 32 °C), and high-temperature group (optimum above 32 °C) (Humphrey and Siggers 1933).  For three species, e.g., Gloeophyllum sepiarium, minimum, and maximum temperatures were already determined (Lindgren 1933). It has to be considered, however, that considerable differences can exist between isolates of a species . Generally, it applies to wood fungi: The minimum is usually at 0 °C, be-cause below the freezing point there is no liquid water available necessary for metabolism. Exceptions of growth below 0 °C are possible, if the freezing point is decreased, e.g., by trehalose and glycerol or other polyhydric alcohols as anti-freeze agents which prevent ice-crystal formation within the hypha (Jen-nings and Lysek 1999)...