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Showing posts with the label nature

Plants, Animals and other Organisms

T here are approximately million named species of living oganisms. The total number of living species is of course not known and we can only estimate what the figure might be. Estimates range from about 11 to 30 million or more. What is certain is that human impacts are causing species to become extinct faster than they can be named. Also of concern is our lack of knowledge about the named species. Scientists have intensively investigated only 10 per cent of plant species and a far smaller proportion of animal species (information from the World Commission in Environment and Develop-ment 198- publication Our common Future, Oxford University Press).  There are many terms used to refer to different groups of animals, plants and other kinds of living organism such as fungi, bacteria and viruses. The classification of biota (living organisms) has been reviewed and changed many times as a result of new information. In 1969, R. H. Whittaker of Cornell University suggested...