Major economies outside The Australia
Australia (53rd) rose eight places in the overall ranking compared to the 2009 benchmark thanks to strong performance on the economic growth and development sub-index. However, Australia’s relatively poor performance on environmental sustainability has heavily penalized its overall score, with the country producing some of the highest CO2 emissions from electricity production (ranked 120 out of 126 countries), with almost no progress over the last seven years. In fact, Australia took a step backward in 2014 when it became the first developed nation to repeal carbon laws that put a price on greenhouse gas emissions.
In contrast to these resource-rich nations, other major economies depend heavily on energy imports. However, their weak performance on the EAPI due to imports is often balanced by energy policies that promote environmental sustainability, seek to reduce commercial balance deficits and increase efficiency of usage. This group of countries generally performs better than the first group, according to the index